Delta Society Special Settings
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Special Settings for Use with Delta Graphics or One Day At A Time

When you use UA's automated procedure to install the Delta Graphics/One Day at a Time portfolio, then all necessary user choices and settings are automatically set.

However, if you bypass the batch processing upon installation and decide to customize your software for these programs at a later time, you'll need to set UA to accommodate special settings for Delta Society International's software. UA's automatic processing of multiple days of data runs counter to the requirement to step through the data "one day at a time." That's why UA gives the option to "Prompt between each day's distribution."

To activate, click "Preferences" above the UA toolbar and then click the Distribution 1 tab under General Program Settings. Make sure the box beside "Prompt between each day's distribution" is checked. If not, click it.

When retrieving multiple days of data with UA, you'll have the choice of halting the distribution after each day of data. You should do so, then exit to your Delta Graphics or One Day at a Time software to process the data BEFORE distributing the next day. Use "Manual Database Distribute" from UA's Database menu to add the remaining days to your database, stopping for analysis after each day is distributed.

Additional Delta Graphics/One Day at a Time Options

Additional settings to customize UA for use with Delta Graphics or One Day at a Time can be found on the Portfolio Settings for your One Day at a Time Portfolio/Delta Graphics. To access the portfolio settings, first click the arrow next to the "All" listing in the Portfolio Manager panel at the left side of your UA screen. Select the correct portfolio from the list that displays. (ODATDELI for regular contracts, ODATCTS for continuous contracts or ODATSTK for stocks.)

Click the [Edit] button below the portfolio name to change the portfolio settings.

On the General tab, make sure the box beside "Delete expiring contracts from Nearest Future group" is checked. If not, click the box to activate this feature.

On the CSI Format Settings tab, the radio button beside "999" files per directory should be selected. If not, click the button.

On the Rounding/Ranging tab, make sure the radio button beside "Modify High/Low" is selected. If not, click it. This will assure that the data is presented in a format that can be used by your software. Click [OK] to complete your changes to portfolio settings. You are now ready for daily updates from CSI.

AFTER your first daily update from CSI, we recommend that you click "Preferences" at the top of your screen, go to the Account and "Access Rights" to confirm that you are receiving the correct database(s). Review the "Account Status" area at the bottom of the screen and make sure you are receiving the database that corresponds with your version of Delta Graphics or One Day at a Time. For the commodity version, the box next to "Domestic Futures" should be checked. For the stock version, the box next to "U.S. Stocks" should be checked. If your account type is "TR," then you have access to the 54 commodities pre-selected by Trend Research plus one year of history for world markets. Other databases my also be included. If your Account Status is incorrect AFTER your first retrieval session, please call CSI to make the correction.

UA will detect a change from one category to another and automatically retrieve the missing days to fill any gap on your next update. However, if you add a database category to your retrieval status (from Domestic Futures only to both Futures and US Stocks) you'll need to manually change the Communications Options settings to fill the gap. (Change the first date to be updated.) Please contact our Technical Support Staff if you need assistance.